PW 70th Anniversary, 24.02.22
This post contains photos from the PW’s 70th anniversary evening.
Here you will find a complete list of all of our posts.
This post contains photos from the PW’s 70th anniversary evening.
This post contains audio recordings of a sermon series called ‘The Grace of Giving.’
This post contains a recording of our Praise Group singing and playing Behold the Lamb of God.
This post contains photos of clearance work carried out on the manse grounds.
This post contains information about contributing to our congregation via standing orders.
This post contains an important update about our building project.
This post contains photos from the service of ordination and installation held on Sunday 17th October 2021.
This post contains photos from our church picnic on Sunday 18th July 2021.
This post explains how we have acknowledged the service of ruling elders in Buckna.
This post contains a short update about our building project.
This is a recording of our Praise Group playing and singing the new CityAlight hymn ‘It Was Finished Upon That Cross.’
This post contains a short update about our building project.